About me

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick. Prior to this, I was a Research Fellow at Warwick working on the core research project of the EPSRC Supergen ORE Hub. I obtained bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2015, and master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2018. I obtained my PhD in Engineering at the University of Warwick in 2021, funded by the H2020 ConFlex project.


My research interests are in physics-informed machine learning, AI for fluid dynamics, ML-based modeling, prediction, and control of complex fluid flows, and their applications on renewable energy systems e.g. wind energy and ocean energy.

Wind farm digital twin

(a) The data and knowledge fusion framework for building the digital twin for wind farm wakes

(b) Case studies: a greedy case, a wake-steering case, and a partially-operating case

Wind field reconstruction via PINNs

(a) Wind LIDAR + NS equations: reconstructing atmospheric boundary layer flows

(b) 2D wind field prediction for the flow in front of a wind turbine.

(c) 3D wind field prediction for the flow in front of a wind turbine.

Wake modelling via ML + CFD

(a) The overall surrogate modelling framework

(b) Static wake models

(c) Dynamic wake models

Phase-resolved sea wave prediction and predictable zone determination

(a) Probabilistic phase-resolved wave prediction formulation

(b) Wave prediction and predictable zone determination

(c) Wave forecasting and forecastable horizon determination

Wave energy converter modelling via deep operator learning

(a) The employed DeepONet network structure

(b) The evaluation of the data-driven model via spectral response amplitude operator

Intelligent control via reinforcement learning

(a) Structural control of floating wind turbines

(b) Wake-steering yaw control of wind farms

Uncertainty quantification

(a) Quantification of parameter uncertainty in analytical wind turbine wake model

(b) Quantification of parameter uncertainty in turbulence/transition models